1954 Linemar, Battery Operated Chevrolet Police Car in Original Box

1954 Linemar, Battery Operated Chevrolet Police Car in Original Box

Very nice example of Linemar's "Remote Control Battery Operated Police Car" complete with original box. The base vehicle was also used by Linemar and Marx for their G-Men Car, Dick Tracy Car, and Fire Chief Car. A non-driver Police Car was also produced.

Actions include froward and reverse movement, flashing red emergency roof light and grinding "aw-r-r-r" siren noise. These are all electric activated actions and work well. The single mechanical action, steering, works but only very occasionally. It's all connected, but the metal coil connected to the front axle becomes fatigued from age making the wheels turn in only one direction. 

The auto is all tinplate with a tin Police driver behind the wheel. The car is a solid green sedan with black detailed chassis, white emergency roof light with original red bulb, and lots of neat chrome plated stuff. The tires are solid black rubber with embossed wheel covers featuring the Chevrolet logo in the center. 

The Police car is powered with an all metal, two button remote control. On this model the remote steering wheel is also metal. It also has it's original cardboard battery insert. The tether is 38" long and covered with green vinyl.

The box features a color illustration drawn in the 1950's Japanese style. The graphic is closer in appearance to the 1954 Chevy Sedan than the toy, but only by a little. The same image is repeated on the front and rear aprons. Also included is the original insert and critter eaten tissue paper separator. It still has its original $2.98 price sticker on one end. 

Size: 8½". 

Sold: May 2010

Price Sold: $ 153


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